CrossFit Day 25
Yesterday’s PT Test changed my weight percentage to 65.67%, so after my hike and my drive home from the East Bay, I warmed up, loaded some dumbbells in the car, and headed to the park. Today’s workout included two weight events, so it was a good opportunity to test whether or not my multiplier is challenging or too difficult. Okay, let’s go. My substitutions in italics.
Three rounds (21, 15, and 9 reps) of:
- Dumbbell Squat Cleans (30# Dumbbells)
- Knees to elbows
- Dumbbell Thrusters (30# Dumbbells)
- Standard Pushups
My deviance from the prescribed workout stems from my lack of barbells and my inability to do L pullups or handstand pushups. Subsitutions make it possible to complete the workout anyway. The thirty pound dumbbells are heavier than I’m used to and it was occasionally difficult for me to maintain control over the dumbbell. On three occasions, I didn’t have myself in a position where I could successfully execute the rep (which would have landed me on my ass if I had been at full weight with a barbell). After lots of heavy breathing and lots of water drinking, I managed all three sets and loaded the dumbbells back into my car.
My results: 41:15, 22:54 zone (hard); HR: 146 avg, 165 max; 500 cal