The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

8mm Rope Is Too Small To Climb

My workout today was supposed to involve rope climbs, but I didn’t have a rope. I also didn’t have a 15 foot high ceiling to attach a climbing rope to. But, I figured I could tie a rope to my kettlebells and toss one end over a pullup bar. That’d do the trick, right?

Sure. If you get the right rope. The right rope is 5/8″ or 3/4″ or 1″ or 1½”. I went to REI this evening and bought an 8mm rope. I learned a few things from this experiment.

  1. It’s very difficult to pull even a smallish 35 pound kettlebell off the floor with an 8 mm rope.
  2. It’s very easy to friction burn skin off your fingers, even wearing a nice pair of weight lifting gloves.
  3. Burning skin off your fingers makes pr0n useless.
  4. I suck at certain knots, but I’ll practice them. You will not escape if I tie you up.
  5. If you have a kettlebell suspended from the ceiling of the garage with a rope and the weak ass knot you tied fails, watch out for the swing. 35 pounds of cast iron swinging at your man berries will give you quite an adrenaline rush.

CrossFit Day 107

Today’s workout was the 5 km run. I headed out to the track under cover of darkness, as usual, in my kayaking shirt and a desire to beat my previous best. Last time, I finished five seconds slower than my previous run. Today, I’m aiming for a time of 26:30, which will be 14 seconds faster than my personal best.

As usual, I started out by trying to push my pace a little, so when I start to lag later on, I’ll hopefully be able to hold on for a 2 minute lap average. I maintained a sub 2:00 pace on the first six laps, except for the fourth, when my iPod headphones came out and I slowed down to reinstall them. As I rounded the 12th lap and noticed that I would beat my 26:30 goal if I maintained my pace, I decided to start the afterburner. Really hoping for a nice 26:00 finish, I lengthened my stride and started to fly. Unfortunately, I started my kick too softly and too late. But, I chopped 39 seconds off my previous best and 25 seconds off my stated goal. That’s a win, as far as I’m concerned.

Total time: 26:05.11 for 13 laps (5214 m)
Fast Lap: 01:53.87 (2)
Slow Lap: 02:05.83 (11)
Average Lap: 02:00.39

My HRM: 26:42, 0:28 zone (hard); HR: 189 avg, 199 max; 451 cal


  1. Feb 16, 2008: 26:49
  2. Feb 09, 2008: 26:44
  3. Jan 16, 2008: 27:00
  4. Dec 28, 2007: 28:02
  5. Dec 20, 2007: 28:23
  6. Nov 29, 2007: 28:45
  7. Sep 26, 2007: 32:06

CrossFit Day 106

Today’s workout was “Lynne.” Since I don’t have a barbell, a bench, or a pullup bar (I messed mine up the other day in a seething rage that saw its untimely demise), I’m swapping it out with a pair of exercises similar to those assigned. The workout I completed was actually the second attempt at a similar workout today (the first of which was the one that saw me throwing my pullup bar out the door).

“Soft Lynne”: Five rounds for time:

  1. 10 pushups
  2. 10 push presses (2×35# DB)

I thought, for some reason, that my push press times would be similar to my pushup times. Push presses are dramatically more difficult than pushups. My pushup rounds started out fast and, as the dumbbells sapped my strength, got noticeably slower. I should use this as a warmup when I get stronger.


  1. PU 1: 00:18.05 – 00:18.05
  2. PP 1: 01:02.00 – 01:20.05
  3. PU 2: 00:34.51 – 01:54.56
  4. PP 2: 02:04.49 – 03:59.05
  5. PU 3: 01:02.68 – 05:01.73
  6. PP 3: 02:26.21 – 07:27.94
  7. PU 4: 01:34.81 – 09:02.75
  8. PP 4: 02:50.43 – 11:53.18
  9. PU 5: 01:05.63 – 12:58.81
  10. PP 5: 02:47.94 – 15:46.75
  • Fast pushups: 00:18.05 (1)
  • Slow pushups: 01:34.81 (4)
  • Avg pushups: 00:55.14
  • Fast push presses: 01:02.00 (1)
  • Slow push presses: 02:50.43 (4)
  • Avg push presses: 02:14.21

My HRM: 15:50, 7:32 zone (hard), HR: 158 avg, 178 max; 206 cal

CrossFit Day 105

Today’s workout was “Diane.” I felt like I needed something extra for Diane, because my heavy weights are the 35 pound dumbbells, so I added a round of heavy kettlebell swings. Here’s what we’re doing today.

“Swinging Diane”: Three rounds (21, 15, and 9 reps) for time:

  1. 70 pound dumbbell deadlift (2×35# DB)
  2. Handstand pushups (knees on table)
  3. 53 pound kettlebell swings

After I finished my warmup, I expected that this workout would take me about ten minutes. I did a lot more work last time (maybe I should have done that today, instead). It wasn’t much of a challenge, but I tried to maintain a consistent output of energy.


  1. 04:10.30 – (04:10.30)
  2. 03:08.25 – (07:18.55)
  3. 02:00.07 – (09:18.62)

My HRM: 9:22, 2:28 zone (hard), HR: 169 avg, 185 max; 137 cal

CrossFit Day 104

Today’s workout was “Filthy Fifty.” We get this one every couple of months (previously: Jan 15, Nov 18). Filthy fifty consists of 50 reps per set of 10 exercises.

After some trouble getting my heart rate monitor to stay put on my opening tuck jumps, I started over, having already done a full set. I moved on to the jumping pullups on a precariously situated low pullup bar in my sun room. I went after today’s workout hard, because I wanted to beat my previous attempt. Last time, I got this stuff all done in just over 47 minutes. Today, my goal is 45 or faster.

As I started to get more and more tired, my ability to throw dumbbells over my head started to diminish. By the time I got to the thrusters, I was using a pair of twenty pound dumbbells. I had no zip left for burpees and substituted squat thrusts in their place. But, despite my perceived weakness, I must be getting stronger. I had a pretty good run at this one and beat 45 minutes easily.


  1. 01:30.34 (01:30.34) – 50 tuck jumps
  2. 04:11.60 (05:41.94) – 50 jump pullups
  3. 03:32.74 (09:14.68) – 50 kb swings (35#)
  4. 03:16.21 (12:30.89) – 50 walking lunges
  5. 05:47.80 (18:18.69) – 50 knees to elbows (on floor)
  6. 07:39.09 (25:57.78) – 50 push presses (50#)
  7. 04:36.88 (30:34.66) – 50 back extensions (25#)
  8. 04:06.18 (34:40.84) – 50 thrusters (40#)
  9. 07:30.75 (42:11.59) – 50 squat thrusts
  10. 02:03.69 (44:15.28) – 100 rope jumps

My HRM: 44:42, 14:52 zone (hard); HR: 161 avg, 182 max; 602 cal

CrossFit Day 103

Today’s workout was “Angie.” Angie is a benchmark workout that will mess you up. The last time I did this, I did assisted pullups. Today, I’m going for the real deal. Here’s our workout.

For time:

  1. 100 pullups
  2. 100 pushups
  3. 100 situps
  4. 100 squats

I headed out under cover of darkness and started my pullups, knocking them out in sets of three. There’s 30. 60. 70. 75. As I got more and more tired, I was doing two and dropping off the bar, shaking my arms out, and hitting the bar again. 76. Pull hard. 77. Rip. Ouch.

I pulled my glove off my right hand to check out my hand. I could feel some tenderness, probably because I was jerking hard and wearing kayaking gloves. Once I got the glove off, I saw the damage. I had ripped the both the calluses off my right hand. They’re hanging by a tiny little sliver of skin. I tore each away carefully, regloved and hit the bar again. Oh, that’s not going to hold my weight. Use less palm and more finger. 78. 79. 80. 81. Okay, I’m done. Looks like that’s it for pullups today.

I jumped in my car and headed back to my house, deciding whether to fold on the workout or attempt the 100 pushups. The situps and squats aren’t going to be a challenge for a newly mangled palm. I found other gloves that don’t bind, my padded pushup handles, and decided not to stop. Might as well get it done. I subdivided the pushups into tens, then eights–careful of that hand. I got through the situps quickly and the squats even more quickly. It took far longer than last time, but I did 81 pullups, which is far more than I’ve ever done in one workout before. This weekend, I’m going to buy better gloves.

My HRM: 57:07, 17:08 zone (hard); HR: 136 avg, 172 max; 569 cal
Stopwatch: 55:08.26


  1. 24:41.33 – pullups
  2. 17:02.84 – pushups
  3. 06:51.60 – situps
  4. 06:32.49 – squats
  • Fast: squats
  • Slow: pullups.
  • Avg round: 13:47.06

CrossFit Day 102

Today’s workout was five sets of back squats. Since I’m using 35 pound dumbbells instead of a barbell, I’m not going for max load. I’m doing five 15 rep sets of the squat.

I did this workout earlier this month, but I only did sets of 10 then. I pounded out the first set in just over 90 seconds. The rest required a little more staring at the dumbbells on the floor, cleaning them up to my shoulders, adjusting my stance and getting the work done. I have found the the more I concentrate on keeping my head up, even looking at the ceiling, the easier these are. Let’s see if I can, despite the 50% greater workload, come close to my 10:35 from last time.

My HRM: 10:30, 5:18 zone (hard); HR: 158 avg, 176 max; 136 cal
Stopwatch: 10:26.68

So, it looks like I sliced almost ten seconds off today. Not bad.

CrossFit Day 101

Today’s workout was a repeat of one I did before in November. Today, though, I’m adding a round of pushups to make it more of a challenge today. Let’s dance:

Seven rounds for time:

  1. 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (53# kettlebell)
  2. 10 pushups
  3. 10 chair dips

I was a little slower this time than last time, but that is because of the extra work on my plate. I managed to average just over 2 minutes a round this time. I’m not frowning too much about my progress, but I’m confident I’ll make even bigger strides when I stop making excuses and allowing myself to bail on workouts.

My HRM: 15:30, 8:44 zone (hard); HR: 161 avg, 180 max; 206 cal
Stopwatch: 13:37.85


  1. 01:52.46
  2. 01:24.91
  3. 01:57.90
  4. 02:08.10
  5. 02:45.12
  6. 02:44.78
  7. 01:44.58
  • Fast round: 01:24.91 (2)
  • Slow round: 02:45.12 (5)
  • Average: 02:05.41
  • Total time: 13:37.85

CrossFit Day 100

Today’s workout was a big milestone for me. This is my 100th CrossFit workout. I started on September 18, 2007 with a pair of ten pound dumbbells and the determination to give this program an honest attempt. On that day, I weighed 181 pounds and was still marginally overweight. I stopped attempting to lose weight in January, when I bottomed out at 147.5 pounds. Since then, I’ve held around 150 pounds. The idea is to work hard, maintain this weight, ramp up the protein and the workouts, and burn off a little more body fat before slowly massing up. So, between July 27 and January 6, I lost 48.5 pounds. That’s probably enough.

I’ve been making lots of excuses lately, allowing myself and other people to push me off my workout regimen. As I get into better and better shape, I realize that these are all choices that I’m making. So, I’m resolving to reduce the number of missed workouts. Let’s lock it back down and do amazing things.

Here’s today’s work. It’s five rounds for time of:

  1. 400 m run (actually, about 430 m)
  2. 50 squats
  3. 30 standing back extensions (25# dumbbell)

Remembering the other day’s redline lesson, I aimed at 2 minute laps today, hoping to finish today’s work in about half an hour. I gave myself 15 seconds in front of the run to catch my breath before starting the lap. I missed the 30 minute mark by only 6 seconds, but that’s because I forgot what I was doing on the fourth round and did 50 standing back extensions, instead of the required 30. I think if I had counted correctly, I’d have finished about 40 seconds faster.

My HRM: 30:13, 1:44 zone (hard); HR: 171 avg, 186 max; 451 cal
Stopwatch: 30:06.81


  1. 05:05.59
  2. 05:49.66
  3. 06:05.75
  4. 07:28.42
  5. 05:37.39
  • Fast round: 05:05.59 (1)
  • Slow round: 07:28.42 (4)
  • Average round: 06:01.36

Onward, friends!

CrossFit Day 99

Today’s workout, after a three day laziness hiatus (FOCUS, APOLLO), called for upper body work. I really need to man up and do more upper body work, so I dreaded and looked forward to this one.

The workout posted on the site called for 5 rounds of max load attempts, 1 reps for the shoulder press, 3 reps for the push press, and 5 for the push jerk. I decided to double everything and use my heavy 35 pound dumbbells.

To recap, it’s five rounds for time of:

  1. 2 shoulder presses.
  2. 6 push presses.
  3. 10 push jerks.

The shoulder presses were rough at 70 pounds. Once I got my form right, I found the other things much easier. For the push jerks, I found my tendency to roll forward onto my toes. I yelled at myself a lot, but managed to get through the first set with the 35 pounders.

I was out of breath after the first set and I really didn’t have the power to shoulder press the 35 pound dumbbells anymore. I decided then to scale it back to the 30s (to total 60 pounds) and attack the final four rounds. I started to wobble quite a bit toward the end of round 4, feeling my reserves slipping away. I did the last set with the 25 pound dumbbells. At the end, I was exhausted. I should do this workout much more frequently.

My HRM: 30:40, 13:02 zone (hard); HR: 163 avg, 183 max; 420 cal
Stopwatch: 30:37.32


  1. 06:01.23 (2×35# DB)
  2. 06:58.26 (2×30# DB)
  3. 05:16.78 (2×30# DB)
  4. 06:35.41 (2×30# DB)
  5. 05:45.64 (2×25# DB)
  • Fast round: 05:16.78 (3)
  • Slow round: 06:58.26 (2)
  • Average round: 06:07.46

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