The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Feb 10, 2008 - 22:02


CrossFit Day 91

Today’s workout was another barbell workout: 7 rounds of single deadlift reps, for max loads. Since I don’t have a barbell or the training, I’m substituting ten tapering rounds of deadlifts (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps) using a pair of 35 pound dumbbells. Since I expected this to take about 3 minutes, I added a round of the CrossFit Warmup.

My version of the crossfit warmup today is three rounds for time:

  1. 60 second Sampson stretch
  2. 15 Overhead Squats with a 7 foot broomstick
  3. 15 standing back extensions (25# DB)
  4. 15 situps
  5. 15 pushups
  6. 15 chair dips

On my warmup, I tried to work it as hard as I could and keep the stopping to pant to a minimum. I was able to knock out four minute rounds. Not bad. A good thumping warmup, at any rate.

As predicted, the deadlifts went really fast. 55 total deadlifts at 70 pounds aren’t really that difficult, so I got through them pretty quickly.

Warmup: 12:46, 10:28 zone (basic), HR: 138 avg, 165 max, 130 cal
Deadlifts: 3:25, 1:17 zone (hard), HR: 158 avg, 167 max, 42 cal

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