Moving Day 2
Well, it’s Labor Day in the United States. After I unloaded the truck this morning, I took it back and shuffled some things in my new room around. Then, I headed up to Menlo Park to get some more stuff. I figured that using my car is far, far cheaper than using the truck. I shuffled more things around. I found my library books that I checked out right after getting splinted last summer. I took them over to the public library with two heavy boxes of books I don’t need. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t accept the donated books in lieu of my fine, but the fine was only about $13.50 (for 355 days overdue!).
After loading up the car again, I realized I wasn’t going to haul everything tonight. As the sun began to set, I also realized that I was not going to ride my bike back to Sunnyvale today, so I dug the rack out of my trunk, secured it on the back, and put both of my bicycles on. Then, I wussed out and half-assedly loaded up the car with some stuff, still leaving about a load left in Menlo Park, grabbed a slice at Avanti on the way to Sunnyvale, and called it a day.
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