The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Feb 08, 2005 - 05:02


Google Maps

Google Maps is spectacular. It scrolls around with keyboard commands and zooms in and out with ease. It also has the most beautiful maps I’ve seen online.

Of all Microsoft’s dizzyingly vast array of software, the only one I ever used on a regular basis was MSN Maps. Those are also beautiful maps, but they also enable you to plot a route using “Shortest Route.” With Mapquest’s Road Trip Planner offline, it’s one of the few ways I can get shortest route directions.

On my home computer, I use a piece of software called 66, which enables me to specify a maximum speed of 0 on freeways, making mapping out a bicycle route much easier than using an online service.

Three requests for Google Maps:
  1. Shortest Routes
  2. Avoid Freeways
  3. Multi-destination routing
Oh, yeah, and:
  1. Shrink-wrapped Google Maps application that lets me pinpoint destinations, waypoints, and drag routes I prefer.

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