The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 28, 2001 - 06:01


Green Gorilla Lounge

Kate wanted to go out one time before her trip to London, commencing on monday, so I zipped out to her house near Half Moon Bay and picked her up. We headed to Kelly’s Mission Rock, where I was last week. Tonight’s festivities: M3‘s birthday and Green Gorilla Lounge. On tap: M3, John Howard, and Markie upstairs in the main house room. Kate and I arrived at 10:45 or so.

M3 started wrecking shit first and, like last week, was blowing minds with the wax he pulled from his bag. I was just getting into my jumping around, when I spotted Ernie, Fe Ann, and Greg, introducing them to Kate and hanging out for a bit, before heading back upstairs for some bouncing around to M3. The other people in the place were very pretty.

The hardwood got packed a little further on into the evening. I took a couple of breaks, endured Kate and Ernie and Fe Ann telling me I have game (show me which K*B to pick that up at), and went back upstairs to step hard to Markie and John Howard.

After, Kate and I ate chow on Van Ness with Andy, a conga player, who wanted to shoot the breeze with some people before zipping back home to the East Bay somewhere. What a fun night.

Such a sweet vibe, pretty people, and wonderful music. Damn. I wonder if this is a monthly or a once-in-a-while event.

Have fun in London, Kate!