The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

May 06, 2000 - 21:05



Another Staple night, thanks to Emmett. He called me up, having taken his girl to the airport and said, “Let’s go to Staple.” Cover tonight was ten bucks, which Emmett got for me (I’ll get him after payday). Alexi Delano was on the decks after midnight, shredding the speakers with his very deep, soulful vocal house. Whoever was running the lights, however, needs to be taken outside and shot. The few lights that were on were extremely dim, just enough that the dance space wasn’t pitch black. Barely.

The music was really cool and I got to hang with Patrick and Geneva again, and met Meredith and Mary, a pair of Australian women. Along with the usual crew of miscreants and house aficionados, there were quite a number of excessively tantalizing young women in attendance, which does nothing for my sanity.

Finished up the night with the most deplorable service in the world (Los Altos Denny’s, of course). Yay.